Vita da fotografo

Who is The Passenger Photography? Qui est le Passager?

  • date
  • 14 April 2018

What do you get when you mix your passion for Travel and Photography? Come with us to find out!

At The Passenger Photography we provide original and full immersion photo workshops in different parts of the world. Our aim is to help you build your own personal vision, in a new concept of travel photo atmosphere. It is a project about photography, cinema, and atmospheres. It’s about certain parts of the world, mine, or those I lived, learned, loved, wanted and suffered. The Passenger is a subtle blend of fact and fiction, intertwined. It is this world that I invite you to take part of, to still dream a little, together. The Passenger is also a doorway to a self portrait of every element that has made your life, that of yesterday and today, sprinkled with mystery, vitality, unanswered questions, to distant adventures, saudade, and love; above all, Love. The Passenger is an unfinished romance, as the life of a man who is still in search of what he seeks, disregarding the passing of time.

Le Passager est un blog d’atmosphère sur la photographie et le cinéma. Il parle de certains endroits du monde, les miens, ceux où j’ai vécu, aimé, désiré et souffert. Le Passager est un mélange subtil de réalité et de fiction. C’est ce monde que je vous invite à lire et à ressentir pour rêver un peu ensemble. Le Passager est un autoportrait des éléments qui ont fait ma vie, celle d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, saupoudrée de mystère, d’énergie, de questions sans réponses, d’aventures lointaines, de saudade et d’amour, surtout d’amour. Le Passager est une romance inachevée, comme la vie d’un homme qui poursuit toujours une recherche, sans tenir compte du temps qui passe.
Biographie de Nicolas Pascarel CV français

New places with new destinations like Hanoi Vietnam, Sao Tomé e Principe in Africa and Havana Cuba.
Info on the website:
+39 340 5014561

Nicolas Pascarel during Photo Workshop in Greece


Nicolas Pascarel in S21 Tuol Sleng genocide museum, Phnom Penh Cambodia 2004

© Nicolas Pascarel 2017