street photo HAVANA

Fighting for better Life, Havana Cuba

  • date
  • 24 October 2016

"Fighting for better Life" My friend Juanito at home, in search of fighting for life | Calle Havana 767 Mon ami Juanito chez lui, la boxe pour survivre,  calle Havana, Cuba   Salva Salva

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Exposition Photo Nicolas Pascarel à Naples | Backstage Photo Exhibition of Nicolas Pascarel in Naples

  • date
  • 3 September 2016

Some Backstage of my last Photo Exhibition in 2014 and 2016 in Naples, Italy. Quelques photos de mes deux dernières expos photo en 2014 et 2016 à Naples. Nicolas Pascarel Photography   Salva Salva Salva Salva Salva Salva

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Photo Exhibition Nicolas Pascarel “Winter in America”

  • date
  • 25 May 2016

PHOTO EXHIBITION NICOLAS PASCAREL “WINTER IN AMERICA” artistic curator : Diana Gianquitto SPAZIO KROMIA via Diodato Lioy 11, Naples, Italy Friday 20th May at 7 pm: Opening of the exhibition 20 May to 15 September 2016 INFO: +39/ 08119569381 Metro: Toledo or Montesanto “…My lips are placed on the edge of the window facing the ocean. This way they will be salted when you will be here. They are waiting for you, just you, they are waiting for us. You can see, I have prepared everything, everything you love. You did not tell...

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Italian Photo Magazine about Nicolas Pascarel in Havana, Cuba

  • date
  • 25 May 2016

Here you can find my publication on ClickMagazine, December 2016 : others informations about myself and The Passenger Photography: mobile phone: 39/ 3405014561 Salva Salva Salva Salva

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Video about a Photo Workshop in Cuba December 2015

  • date
  • 24 May 2016

Video et photo de Christian Baillet durant un stage photo à La Havane Cuba Décembre 2015 avec Nicolas Pascarel Video and photo of Christian Baillet during a photoworkshop in Habana Cuba on December 2015 with Nicolas Pascarel photo workshop.

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Témoignages sur mes Stages Photo | Feedback about my Photo Workshop

  • date
  • 14 May 2016

Feedback about my Photo Workshop | Témoignages des Stages Photo avec Nicolas Pascarel/The Passenger Photography Gokhan Kayal | Germany/Turkey : Workshop in Maputo 28 April - 5 May 2018 Before deciding to join the photo workshop in Maputo with Nicolas and spending a full week I have asked myself about the reason to travel that far to a city which is not known to be specifically photogenic. Since I know Nicolas well from previous workshops I have asked him this question. The answer that I have received was that it is a matter of photographic intuition and I should trust him, and so I did....

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Una Vita da Fotografo with Nicolas Pascarel | Video about Photography

  • date
  • 30 March 2016

Una Vita da Fotografo with Nicolas Pascarel in Vimeo

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Backstage Photo Workshop in Asia and Cuba with Nicolas Pascarel

  • date
  • 3 November 2015

Quelques photos des stages photo de Nicolas Pascarel à Cuba et en Asie | Some photos backstage on Photo Workshop in Havana and South East Asia,   Salva

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The Mood of Love | Havana Cuba

  • date
  • 4 March 2015

The mood of Love | Havana Cuba Ce jour là il faisait gris à la havane, un temps d’hiver. En fin de journée, le soleil montrait un peu sa face, très peu mais juste de quoi donner du relief, suffisant à mes yeux. J’étais encore dans mon hôtel au 14 étage et je regardais par la fenêtre pour voir au loin si le ciel s’ouvrait ou non. Cela s’ouvrait, suffisamment à mes yeux. Alors j’ai descendu les 14 étages et je suis allé là bas, loin, très loin, au bout de la ville, vers la mer, l’océan, en direction de la 5 Avenida. Je ne savais pas ce que j’aurais pu y trouver mais...

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Sale photos : Havana Riviera 4X

  • date
  • 25 April 2014

Hotel Riviera 18 floor at 6 AM | Havana, December 2013 4 images de 55x70 cm chacune montées sur caisson en bois noir et papier Ilford Baryté de 310mg. Prix de vente 1600 euro sans le transport 4 images 55X70 CM each mounted on black wooden box and paper Ilford Barythe of 310mg. Selling price 1600 euro without shipping.

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© Nicolas Pascarel 2017