stage photo afrique

Portfolio Review and Projections in Maputo, MZ | 18th April 2019

  • date
  • 2 April 2019

Soon in Maputo, Mozambique...Portfolio Review by Nicolas Pascarel for young Mozambican photographers and debates, projections on photography open to all. 18th April at 5 pm to 9 pm at 16Neto. Encontros Fotográficos com Nicolas Pascarel Quinta-feira, 18 de Abril: 17h - 19h: avaliação de portfólios, aberto a jovem fotógrafos Moçambicanos 19h30 - 21h: projeção e conversa sobre os vários trabalhos fotográficos de Nicolas Pascarel 16Neto 16, Av. Agostinho Neto Maputo, MZ |   Next Photo Workshop in Maputo, Mozambique by Nicolas Pascarel...

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Témoignages sur mes Stages Photo | Feedback about my Photo Workshop

  • date
  • 14 May 2016

Feedback about my Photo Workshop | Témoignages des Stages Photo avec Nicolas Pascarel/The Passenger Photography Gokhan Kayal | Germany/Turkey : Workshop in Maputo 28 April - 5 May 2018 Before deciding to join the photo workshop in Maputo with Nicolas and spending a full week I have asked myself about the reason to travel that far to a city which is not known to be specifically photogenic. Since I know Nicolas well from previous workshops I have asked him this question. The answer that I have received was that it is a matter of photographic intuition and I should trust him, and so I did....

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© Nicolas Pascarel 2017