Exposition Photo à S21 Tuol Sleng Museum | Mémoire des années de pluie | Cambodge 2000-2005

  • date
  • 5 October 2016

Exposition Photo de Nicolas Pascarel au Musée du génocide S21 et au Centre Culturel Français de Phnom Penh au Cambodge, mars-avril 2005 Propos recueillis par Julien Lécuyer pour Cambodge Soir – Phnom Penh-Cambodge-mars 2005   Sur les traces de la Mémoire Quand Nicolas Pascarel débarque au Cambodge, la mémoire du pays lui colle déjà aux basques. Une mémoire que le photographe français entretient déjà...

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Témoignages sur mes Stages Photo | Feedback about my Photo Workshop

  • date
  • 14 May 2016

Feedback about my Photo Workshop | Témoignages des Stages Photo avec Nicolas Pascarel/The Passenger Photography Gokhan Kayal | Germany/Turkey : Workshop in Maputo 28 April - 5 May 2018 Before deciding to join the photo workshop in Maputo with Nicolas and spending a full week I have asked myself about the reason to travel that far to a city which is not known to be specifically photogenic. Since I know Nicolas well from previous workshops I have asked him this question. The answer that I have received was that it is a matter of photographic intuition and I should trust him, and so I did....

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© Nicolas Pascarel 2017