cuba by nicolas_pascarel

My Photographic work view by Olympus Passion Magazine

  • date
  • 9 September 2019

Récemment, j'ai découvert l'incroyable travail du photographe français Nicolas Pascarel. Je vous conseille de lire son interview ici ( ou de visiter son site web ( J'étais simplement ébloui par ses images si authentiques, si spontanées. Les yeux sur ses portraits sont pénétrants, les photographies véhiculent sentiments, et sensations. On peut presque entendre le bruit de la pluie, sentir les odeurs, la chaleur, l'humidité. Le travail de Nicolas nous emmène dans ces lieux...

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The Passenger by Nicolas Pascarel | English and French text

  • date
  • 6 July 2019

"I was born in Paris in 1966 and work as a photo reporter for 30 years. Since the early 90’s, I spent the majority of my time in Naples, Cambodia, Vietnam, Havana and Africa." The Passenger by Nicolas Pascarel In 1996 I was young and Europe was already boring so I decided to go there, see what was happening, I felt that I could live somehow. To live what, I didn’t know it, but it was my idea: to change. Change myself. I got it all there, behind the ocean and it was like a stopped image, like when you hit the pause button, a stop in time. That’s what made me think and strangely that’s what...

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  • date
  • 12 May 2019

Click here to read the Interview on Olympus Passion Magazine :

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Témoignages sur mes Stages Photo | Feedback about my Photo Workshop

  • date
  • 14 May 2016

Feedback about my Photo Workshop | Témoignages des Stages Photo avec Nicolas Pascarel/The Passenger Photography Gokhan Kayal | Germany/Turkey : Workshop in Maputo 28 April - 5 May 2018 Before deciding to join the photo workshop in Maputo with Nicolas and spending a full week I have asked myself about the reason to travel that far to a city which is not known to be specifically photogenic. Since I know Nicolas well from previous workshops I have asked him this question. The answer that I have received was that it is a matter of photographic intuition and I should trust him, and so I did....

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© Nicolas Pascarel 2017