New Photo Workshop 2025

My Photographic work view by Olympus Passion Magazine

  • date
  • 9 September 2019

Récemment, j'ai découvert l'incroyable travail du photographe français Nicolas Pascarel. Je vous conseille de lire son interview ici ( ou de visiter son site web ( J'étais simplement ébloui par ses images si authentiques, si spontanées. Les yeux sur ses portraits sont pénétrants, les photographies véhiculent sentiments, et sensations. On peut presque entendre le bruit de la pluie, sentir les odeurs, la chaleur, l'humidité. Le travail de Nicolas nous emmène dans ces lieux...

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The Passenger by Nicolas Pascarel | English and French text

  • date
  • 6 July 2019

"I was born in Paris in 1966 and work as a photo reporter for 30 years. Since the early 90’s, I spent the majority of my time in Naples, Cambodia, Vietnam, Havana and Africa." The Passenger by Nicolas Pascarel In 1996 I was young and Europe was already boring so I decided to go there, see what was happening, I felt that I could live somehow. To live what, I didn’t know it, but it was my idea: to change. Change myself. I got it all there, behind the ocean and it was like a stopped image, like when you hit the pause button, a stop in time. That’s what made me think and strangely that’s what...

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  • date
  • 25 June 2019

Nicolas Pascarel è nato a Parigi nel 1966. Sbarca a Roma nel 1986, a poco più di 19 anni e non parla ancora italiano, ha solo il sogno di lavorare nel cinema, la sua passione. Incontra, a piazza Cavour, Laura Betti, direttrice all'epoca della Fondazione Pasolini che lo incoraggia a realizzare per la fondazione una storia fotografica che prenderà forma con il titolo “Sulle tracce di Pier Paolo Pasolini”. Questo incontro sarà l'elemento detonatore con la fotografia.Di ritorno a Parigi, diventa assistente di diversi fotografi. Negli anni seguenti realizza come reporter free lance reportage...

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  • date
  • 12 May 2019

Click here to read the Interview on Olympus Passion Magazine :

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Photo Reportage in Maputo, Mozambique | April 2018 and 2019

  • date
  • 6 May 2019

Some photos realized in April 2018 and 2019 in Maputo, Mozambique by Nicolas Pascarel during a photo workshop.   Contact for Newspapers: Mobile: + 39 340 50 14 561 Look here: Maputo photo

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Portfolio Review and Projections in Maputo, MZ | 18th April 2019

  • date
  • 2 April 2019

Soon in Maputo, Mozambique...Portfolio Review by Nicolas Pascarel for young Mozambican photographers and debates, projections on photography open to all. 18th April at 5 pm to 9 pm at 16Neto. Encontros Fotográficos com Nicolas Pascarel Quinta-feira, 18 de Abril: 17h - 19h: avaliação de portfólios, aberto a jovem fotógrafos Moçambicanos 19h30 - 21h: projeção e conversa sobre os vários trabalhos fotográficos de Nicolas Pascarel 16Neto 16, Av. Agostinho Neto Maputo, MZ |   Next Photo Workshop in Maputo, Mozambique by Nicolas Pascarel...

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The Passenger | La Havana Cuba

  • date
  • 1 December 2018

|FR| Le Passager | Photographie et texte de Nicolas Pascarel En 1996 j’étais jeune et l’Europe m’ennuyait déjà alors j’ai décidé d’aller là bas, voir ce qui se passait, je sentais que je pouvais vivre en quelque sorte. Vivre quoi, je ne le savais pas mais c’était mon idée : changer. Me changer. Je suis arrivé tout là bas, derrière l’océan et c’était comme une image arrêtée, comme lorsqu’on appuie sur le bouton pause, un arrêt dans le temps. C’est ça qui m’a fait réfléchir et étrangement c’est justement ça qui m’a fait avancer. Je me sentais comment...

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Photo Exhibition by Nicolas Pascarel “Le Passager” in Germany | September 2018

  • date
  • 27 June 2018

"LE PASSAGER" Photo Exhibition by Nicolas Pascarel Fotogalerie Weisser Turm Ernst-Ludwig-Platz Darmstadt . Germany Vernissage 19th September at 19.00 Photo Exhibition 19th September to 27th October 2018 Also 2 days of Portfolio Review (photo workshop), 22/23 September at Darmstadt Fotoclub (look the PDF for informations) Portfolio Review Germany english Darmstadt fotoclub Literaturhaus Darmstadt (Kennedyhaus) 4. Etage Kasinostr. 3 64293 Darmstadt Info: +39 3405014561 Le Passager | Photographie Nicolas Pascarel* En 1996 j’étais jeune et l’Europe...

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Pancho Guedes architecture at Maputo 1962 (MZ)

  • date
  • 15 May 2018

Beautiful and magical architecture of the church made by Pancho Guedes in 1962 at Maputo (MZ) during my last photo workshop, May 2018. Magnifique et magique architecture de Pancho Guedes réalisé en 1962 pour une église à Maputo au Mozambique.

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Who is The Passenger Photography? Qui est le Passager?

  • date
  • 14 April 2018

What do you get when you mix your passion for Travel and Photography? Come with us to find out! At The Passenger Photography we provide original and full immersion photo workshops in different parts of the world. Our aim is to help you build your own personal vision, in a new concept of travel photo atmosphere. It is a project about photography, cinema, and atmospheres. It's about certain parts of the world, mine, or those I lived, learned, loved, wanted and suffered. The Passenger is a subtle blend of fact and fiction, intertwined. It is this world that I invite you to take part of, to still...

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© Nicolas Pascarel 2017